OREANDA-NEWS. November 14, 2012. As a part of its Affirmative Action policy, Tata Steel offers Jyoti Fellowship to meritorious students from economically backward Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe families to enable them accomplish educational and career aspirations. Tribal Cultural Society identifies deserving candidates from operational areas of the company on the basis of merit test.

Tribal Cultural Society organized Jyoti Fellowship Award Ceremony, at the Tribal Cultural Centre. In FY 2010-11, Rs. 35 lakhs had been disbursed while in FY 2011-12, a total of Rs. 64.15 lakhs was disbursed among the meritorious SC/ST students from Jharkhand, Odisha and Chhattisharh. In FY 2012-13, the company plans to give Rs. 75 lakhs under Jyoti Fellowship.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. P. Barla, District Welfare Officer said that while government offers scholarship that is given to students of government schools, Tata Steel is offering scholarship to needy and meritorious students from any school. This is commendable and it gives opportunity to children to pursue education.

Addressing the awardees, Mr. Sanjiv Paul, VP (CS) Tata Steel reiterated the commitment of the company for the betterment of the SC/ST community. He said that the Fellowship will empower the needy-and-eager-to-study students to pursue studies.

More than 200 students were awarded with Jyoti Fellowship at the award ceremony.