OREANDA-NEWS. November 16, 2012. Aviadvigatel, JSC and Irkutsk Oil Company have signed an Additional Agreement to the Contract for manufacture, installation supervision and pre-commissioning of the fourth gas turbine generator set of Ural Series for Yaraktinsky oil/gas condensate field.

The Contract for manufacture and supply of two Ural-6000 gas turbine gensets and for on-site installation supervision, pre-commissioning and personnel training was signed in May, 2011. In view of the Customer's stringent requirements to the time of product manufacture (10 months), all hardware was delivered to the site of the oil and gas processing facility of Yaraktinsky oil/gas condensate field early in April, 2012, and then, during next three months, the gensets were entirely put into service.

Two Ural-6000 gas turbine gensets launched into operation this year has made it possible for Irkutsk Oil Company to achieve a 12-MW increase in the capacity of the power park, improve the safety and reliability of the local power grid, guarantee synchronous operation and operation in parallel to the local grid of
Ural-6000 gas turbine gensets and PAES-2500 mobile gensets, improve the efficiency of petroleum gas utilization.

Prompt response and high quality of work performed by Aviadvigatel's specialists took cognizance of Irkutsk Oil Company. In April 2012 an Additional Agreement was signed for the supply of the third genset and in October the company signed one more Additional Agreement for the supply of the fourth Ural-6000 gas turbine genset.

As follows from the contractual obligations, the third Ural-6000 gas turbine genset must be shipped in the first quarter and the fourth genset - in the third quarter of 2013. From there, the overall power of Aviadvigatel-supplied power-generating equipment at Yaraktinsky oil/gas condensate field will reach 24 MW. The Perm gas turbine gensets serve to support the operation of derricks and compressors, social infrastructure facilities, etc.