OREANDA-NEWS. RusRating has assigned a credit rating to OOO BIK (Moscow). The rating is "B+" on the international scale and "BB+" on the national scale, in both cases with a stable outlook.

The rating is based on close business ties to a finance and consulting group with substantial experience in the market for closed mutual investment funds.

Constraining factors include highly concentrated (by counterparty) assets and liabilities, the small scale of the Company’s operations, the risk of a decline in business activity, and a low net profit margin.

OOO Biznes.Investitsii.Kapital [trs. Business.Investments.Capital LLC] is a private-sector Russian company that acts as a financial intermediary. It is a qualified investor. BIK belongs to a finance and consulting group with extensive experience in asset management, including closed mutual investment funds (ZPIFs). The Company works with financial institutions to acquire mortgage participation certificates, and credit claims.

Liabilities consist mainly of accounts payable linked to the purchase of shares in closed mutual investment funds. Most assets are financial investments, particularly ZPIF shares, some of which are controlled by affiliated parties; the balance sheet also shows accounts receivable from other companies in the group. BIK’s own capital is insignificant. Profitability is low. Liquidity is satisfactory. Risk sensitivity is elevated.