World: articles for 17.06.2024

17.06.2024, 23:39

Labour leader says projected rise in number of children hit by policy is ‘powerful’ reason to ditch it but refuses to set timeline

17.06.2024, 23:17
Russia is terminating its participation in the proceedings initiated by Australia and the Netherlands in the ICAO Council against the Russian Federation in the case of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing MH17
17.06.2024, 23:14
Armenia and France have reached new agreements in military-technical cooperation, an agreement has been signed with the French company KNDS, the Armenian Defense Ministry said.
17.06.2024, 23:06
A detachment of Russian warships is leaving Cuba, and local residents are watching their departure, RIA Novosti correspondent reports.
17.06.2024, 22:29
The United States is not concerned about Russian President Vladimir Putin's trip to the DPRK, but they are concerned about the deepening of Russian-North Korean relations

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