OREANDA-NEWS  The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) of Russia has revealed collusion in the amount of more than 664 million rubles related to the supply of vital drugs, the companies IFC Arfa and Prostory Zdorovye are suspected of concluding an anticompetitive agreement, the service said.

"The FAS revealed collusion in the bidding process for the supply of vital drugs in the amount of more than 664 million rubles. ... IFC Arfa LLC and Prostory Zdorovya LLC are suspected of concluding and implementing an anticompetitive agreement in order to maintain prices at auctions for the supply of medicines, including medicines for citizens eligible for state social assistance, as well as drugs included in the list of vital medicines (vital medicines - ed.)," the message says.

It is specified that the companies won the bidding without a reduction or with a minimum reduction from the initial (maximum) contract price.

The FAS has opened a case on violation of antimonopoly legislation against bidders. If their guilt is found, the companies face revolving fines.