OREANDA-NEWS  The volume of the Russian Process Mining (PM) market in 2024 amounted to about 900 million rubles. Such data was presented at the Sber Process Mining conference dedicated to the development of process analytics. According to estimates by experts from BEAC and Trust Technologies (formerly PwC in Russia), the PM market will grow annually at an average annual rate of 69 percent until 2028.

"We see great prospects for process analytics in Russia. This market is developing dynamically: the demand for PM solutions is increasing, the scope of their use is expanding, more and more processes are being digitized, and the Process Mining tools themselves are rapidly improving, giving new business opportunities. Today, the largest business occupies the main part of the PM market. But Process Mining is increasingly being used by large and medium—sized companies, as well as the public sector, due to the increasing complexity of processes, increasing digitalization and the growing availability of PM solutions. Russian solutions are already making it possible to reduce the duration of business processes by up to 50 percent and halve labor costs," said Taras Skvortsov, Senior Vice President and Head of Finance at Sberbank.

According to a joint study by Sber and Trust Technologies, 45 percent of Russian companies now plan to use RM, which is three percent more than a year ago. Financial companies, metallurgical and mining enterprises, as well as retail companies, are most actively declaring their desire to introduce Process Mining practices, but more and more often enterprises of heavy industry and mechanical engineering, agriculture and the food industry are joining them.

"The main prerequisite for the introduction of PM is the further transformation of processes. At the moment, companies primarily use PM to optimize processes such as procurement and order management, customer interaction, production and IT processes. But we expect a significant expansion of the areas of application of this technology, which is due to the active digitalization of most processes not only of the largest, but also of medium—sized and small companies, as well as the increasing complexity of processes," said Anastasia Kabayeva, partner of the technology practice at Trust Technologies.

Analysts say that the key prerequisites for the introduction of RM are the lengthening of processes, their high variability, a large number of irregular stages, often the presence of return cycles and the fragmentation of business systems. The implementation of Process Mining has a direct impact on the financial performance of the company, as it reduces the duration of processes (up to 50 percent) and labor costs (up to two times).

Process Mining is a tool for analyzing business processes based on their digital footprints in information systems, which helps optimize processes through deep analytics and generate recommendations based on machine learning and data visualization technologies. Sber is developing its own low-code Process Mining platform. The bank has been using this technology since 2018, and the financial effect of its use has already exceeded 21 billion rubles. In 2023, the Sber platform began to be used in other organizations.