Research and development

12.08.2021, 11:36

Its consumption will help to live without cardiovascular diseases.

12.08.2021, 10:15
Coronavirus can be spread by breathing or talking, not just by coughing or sneezing. This conclusion was made during the study by scientists of the National University of Singapore, excerpts from the report were published in the newspaper The Straits Times. TASS reports.
11.08.2021, 10:04
The «delta» strain of coronavirus makes it impossible for the population to form collective immunity.
10.08.2021, 14:15
Japanese scientists from Dokke and Jichi Medical Universities have identified factors that affect antibody concentration after vaccination.
09.08.2021, 16:19
Global warming is happening so rapidly that the Earth will overcome the critical temperature threshold as early as 2030.
06.08.2021, 14:17

Astronomers from the Australian National University managed to capture the moment of a supernova explosion for the first time. It is reported by the portal.

06.08.2021, 14:06
The positive effect of this product is explained by its special composition. In particular, it contains an amino acid with the help of which the hormones necessary for the regulation of sleep are produced.
05.08.2021, 12:25

The increase in cases of myopia in children in Hong Kong, scientists associate with the consequences of strict coronavirus restrictions introduced at the very beginning of the pandemic.

03.08.2021, 15:27
To avoid thrombosis, doctors prescribe anticoagulant therapy to patients with coronavirus, but those who have had the disease without symptoms should also monitor their blood clotting rate - do a coagulogram.
03.08.2021, 10:26
In the first two weeks after suffering COVID-19, the risk of developing dangerous cardiovascular diseases significantly increases.
02.08.2021, 16:02

Leaking the virus from a laboratory is not evidence that it was artificially created. This opinion was expressed by the virologist, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Lukashev.

02.08.2021, 15:00

According to experts, proper nutrition can play a large role in strengthening bones and preventing the development of osteoporosis in adults and children.

02.08.2021, 11:38

Two physicists discovered that microplastics can mechanically destabilize cell membranes.

02.08.2021, 11:21

The expert told how to diagnose an infection in oneself.

29.07.2021, 15:03
 According to official figures, survivors of COVID-19 who have re-infected with the infection have a lower viral load and are less likely to show signs of the disease.


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