Research and development

12.04.2022, 17:05
Careful observance of personal hygiene rules, humidified indoor air and tightly buried windows will help alleviate the symptoms of hay fever without drugs.
11.04.2022, 16:06
You can go to bed at any convenient time, it will not bring any harm to the body, but it is important to get enough sleep.
05.04.2022, 13:15
The observed decline in the incidence of COVID-19 in Russia will continue, and in the future people will not even pay attention to outbreaks of coronavirus.
29.03.2022, 12:09
Doctors will be able to officially announce the end of the pandemic only after a certain period of observation, said immunologist Nikolai Kryuchkov, candidate of medical sciences.
28.03.2022, 18:04
Salads, chicken and brown rice, even in fast food, will be useful, Timur Asanov, a general practitioner of the Vidnovskaya Regional Clinical Hospital, told Radio 1.
21.03.2022, 17:29
Compulsory vaccination against COVID-19 should in no case be canceled either in the world or in Russia.
21.03.2022, 15:25
Immunologist, candidate of medical sciences Nikolai Kryuchkov told Izvestia that a surge in infections with coronavirus BA.2, or “stealth micron”, could occur in Russia in the coming month.
21.03.2022, 10:54
The United States allocated $650,000 to develop a broadband Internet connection between the Earth and the Moon.
18.03.2022, 16:52
Proteins of the «omicron» strain will be used.
17.03.2022, 15:39

Previously, it was considered a potential threat to Earth, but it turned out to be safe.

16.03.2022, 17:29
On the territory of Ukraine, a network of several dozen laboratories was created, where, with the support of the Pentagon, components of military biological weapons were developed for their use against Russia.
16.03.2022, 11:41
In Russia, a new strain of coronavirus "deltacron" has not yet been identified.
09.03.2022, 14:53
The sanctions imposed on Russia in connection with the special operation in Ukraine will allow the money to remain inside the country, and this money can be spent on investments in science.
07.03.2022, 18:33
Igor Kirillov, head of radiation, chemical and biological protection of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, said that 30 biological laboratories were operating in Ukraine.
28.02.2022, 11:06
Every fifth bottle of strong alcohol in Russia is illegal, such data are named in a study by the Financial Research Institute (NIFI) of the Ministry of Finance, writes TASS.


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