OREANDA-NEWS. On 25 February 2009 was announced, that Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov rapped the Ashgabat city administration during a government meeting. The head of state was displeased with the pace of construction and distribution of housing estate in Ashgabat as well as the low pace of construction of the ring road.

"The municipal services of Ashgabat lack a modern and systemic approach to current problems such as maintenance of high functional quality of roads, houses, as well as engineering and communication networks. This is the result of poor organization of work and low quality criteria set by the city administration management," the president said.

On the president's order, the investigation materials were sent to the office of public prosecutor to call to account those responsible for such state of affairs. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov strongly reprimanded Ashgabat mayor Azat Bilishov. The head of state also instructed vice prime minister Deryageldy Orazov, who is supervising the Ashgabat city administration, "to take necessary measures to ensure high level of construction and development of Ashgabat as a whole."