OREANDA-NEWS  In 2024, 35 legal entities were excluded from the register of producers of beer and beer drinks, cider, poire and mead in Russia. About this with reference to the data of the counterparty verification service "Contour.Focus," Vedomosti newspaper reports.

The reasons why the enterprises were banned from brewing beer were the inconsistency of the address, the lack of documents for the equipment, the lease agreement for the premises and other factors. At the same time, Rosalkotabakcontrol filed a total of 120 lawsuits for the exclusion of companies from the register, but managed to consider only 81 applications.

After the registry was launched in September 2023, all brewers were automatically included in it, but now they are being checked for compliance with mandatory requirements.

Exclusion from the register means a ban on the production and sale of beverages, said Maria Yakovleva, director of the Yakovlev and Partners law group, which effectively means stopping the company's activities until the violations are eliminated. This leads to significant losses and in some cases may result in the bankruptcy of the manufacturer.

According to Alexey Nebolsin, an independent expert on the alcohol market, since the launch of the registry, the actual number of enterprises excluded from it is 380 legal entities. By July 2025, their number of manufacturers in the register will grow by another 100, he admitted.

In the first eight months of last year, it was reported that the production of low-alcohol beverages in Russia decreased by almost a third (32.1 percent), to 8.95 million decaliters. At the same time, the total production of alcohol-containing and alcoholic products (except beer, cider, poiret and mead) grew by 8.5 percent. According to Maxim Chernihiv, associate professor of the Department of Management at the Presidential Academy in St. Petersburg, the volume of low-alcohol beverages production will fall by at least 40 percent in 2025 due to an increase in excise taxes.