OREANDA-NEWS. On March 26, 2007 a ceremony was held in Moscow to honor winners of the contest run by the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) to highlight the best bank-designed project to promote the deposit insurance system. Sviaz-Bank collected both the Grand Prix and the top prize for its Internet project, which was acclaimed the best. The DIA’s General Director A.V. Turbanov and contest Jury chairman A.A. Khandruev gave the awards to Olga Prokofieva, adviser to the President-Chairman of Sviaz-Bank’s Executive Board, and Peter Greiding, the Bank’s press secretary, reported the press-centre of  Sviaz-Bank. In his acceptance speech, Mr. Greiding said, “… our bank’s focus on keeping its clients informed about the deposit insurance system is dictated by the interests of banking - people have to learn all there is to learn about government guarantees for their deposits before they make decisions to entrust their money to banks. Our thanks go to the jury for its high assessment of our job.”

The contest jury was guided in its choice of winners among the participating banks that entered printed, photo, audio, and other materials on deposit insurance and the practical aspects of the deposit insurance system (DIS) by criteria such as the content quality of the banks’ efforts to promote deposit insurance and the deposit insurance system, public response to their informational and advertising materials, their comprehensive approach to delivering their message on the principles and operating mechanisms of the deposit insurance system, originality of their creative concepts, designs, and convenience of navigation and hyperlink tools of their Internet projects on their websites. The contest drew 23 banks integrated into the DIS. The jury was made up of DIA employees, members of the DIA’s Analytical Board of Experts, and representatives of bank associations.