OREANDA-NEWS. On June 18, 2007 renovated constant exposition "History of postal service" was opened in the A.S. Popov Central Museum of Communications. The opening ceremony was dedicated to 150th anniversary of the first Russian postage stamp, reported the press-centre of  Russian Post.

The exposition tells of all main stages of postal development up to XXI century. The renovated exposition demonstrates the General collection of state postal stamps from the fund of state collection of postage prepayment impressions. Approximately eight thousand items cover one and a half of the history of state postage stamps.

The renovated exposition meets the requirements of technology equipment of the best European museums. The peculiar feature is interactivity so visitors can make model of stamp on the perforator themselves or send letter by mail.

Moreover the exposition represents the collection of postal boxes, models of postal transport, postal uniform in different time and mail sorting equipment.