OREANDA-NEWS. On August 20, 2007 in course of a regular inspection of the situation on the wholesale market of liquefied petrol gas (LPG) in the Murmansk region, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS Russia) revealed violations of the antimonopoly legislation, reported the press-centre of FAS Russia.

In particular, it was established that "Murmanoblgas" OJSC - a gas distribution organization, overstated the LPG volume purchased according to the schedule of LPG supplies for the everyday needs of the population (the so-called balance target), annually approved by the Federal Agency on Power Engineering (Rosenergo).

Under the law, LPG supplied to meet the Rosenergo balance target on regulated rates, should only be sold to the population and at the prices approved by the government of the Murmank region. However, "Murmanoblgas" OJSC typically sold part of the gas, intended for the everyday needs of the population, at commercial prices, in particular, at the company's own petrol stations.

For instance, in 2006 regardless regulated prices on LPG supplied by producers to "Murmanoblgas" OJSC under the balance target (2700 Rubles per ton), "Murmanoblgas" OJSC sold over 2000 tons at 9410 Rb (retail price at petrol stations) and 25 000 Rb (gas cylinders). In the first six months of 2007, when the price on the "balance" gas was 3500 per ton, the company sold 1544 tons at the prices ranging from 13 300 Rub (at petrol stations) to 29 000 Rb (gas cylinders).

FAS Russia believes that such actions means abusing dominant position on the market by violating the established pricing procedures, which breaches Clause 10 Part 1 Article 10 Therefore, FAS Russia will initiated a case against "Murmanoblgas" OJSC, and should the violation be confirmed, the company can be fined according to Article 14.31. of the Code of Administrative Violations (from 1 to 15% of the company's annual proceeds from selling its goods on the market where the violation occurred, but no more that 2% of the total proceeds gained by the violator).