OREANDA-NEWS. September 19, 2007.  The head of the Radiation Safety Department of the Nuclear and Radiation Safety Authority of Finland Olli Vilkamo has commented on the course of the complex emergency training at Leningrad NPP:

“It is the third training I have observed in Russia. Such exercises are good for practicing emergency response actions. I am satisfied with what I have seen today. I think that your computer system is excellent: even in Moscow experts can watch what is going on at Leningrad NPP.”

Vilkamo points out that in the last years LNPP has made great progress in terms of safety. “You have made lots of technological improvements. And I am pleased to note that you have highly-qualified personnel.”

Experts from nine countries: Germany, Korea, Norway, the United States, Finland, France, Sweden, Ukraine and Armenia are observing the event.

France has sent the biggest delegation: four experts from the local nuclear authorities and Electricite de Fracne. Ukraine has sent three experts.

Germany is represented by experts from AREVA and ISaR, Finland by STUK and Loviisa NPP, the United States by the US General Consulate in St.Petersburg and Department of Energy.