OREANDA-NEWS. On September 27, 2007 BANK CASPIAN JSC (Almaty), shares and bonds of which are traded in Kazakhstan stock exchange's (KASE) category "A" official list had provided KASE with the press-release in which is informed that on September 26, 2007 in Almaty had taken place the annual meeting of 36 investors of direct investments' fund Baring Vostok Capital Partners, organized by the bank, reported the press-centre of KASE.

According to the message in the mentioned meeting were participating representatives of European bank for reconstruction and development, Singapore state investment company, Netherlands state company for business development, Canadian pension fund Case Depot, California pension fund Calpers and others.

By information of the bank, after finishing of the conference between bank and investors was signed the agreement about opening of credit line in size of 150 m. US dollars for development of crediting of small and middle business sector in Kazakhstan.

"It is important for us that high-class foreign investors had fully approved the strategy of development of controlled growth, chosen by us. Concerning the opening of credit line, than the additional financing gives us an opportunity for more dynamical development of small and middle business' (SMB) direction important for us. Since the beginning of year the loan portfolio of SMB increased by 41%, and till the end of year we are planning to increase the volume of portfolio of SMB 1,5 times", - told the chairman of bank's Board Mikhail Lomtadze, whose word are quoted in the message.