OREANDA-NEWS. September 26, 2007. Facilitation of cooperation between Ukraine and Germany was supposed to be the focal point during a meeting between Ukrainian Fuel and Energy Minister Yuriy Boyko and German Federal Minister of Economics and Technology Michael Glos in Odesa, reported the Official website www.kmu.gov.ua.

The ministers were supposed to visit the international oil terminal "Southern" to tour the oil pipeline Odesa-Brody facilities.

The purpose of the two-day visit by the German Minister to Ukraine was stepping up economic cooperation between the countries. "Ukraine is a distinctive promising partner of the German economy taking into consideration that after the EU enlargement it borders on the EU directly," the press service cited Michael Glos.

Germany is the second biggest partner of Ukraine after Russia. Trade turnover between the countries in 2006 grew by 32% up to 6,25 bn. EUR. In terms of direct foreign investments to the Ukrainian economy, Germany is the first.