OREANDA-NEWS. Deutsche Bank and Severstal act as partners as to Mstislav Rostropovich Memorial Concert which is to take place in Frankfurt am Main on October 4. The concert is organized by The Kronberg Academy which used to have long-standing relationship with the musician, Severstal's press-service announced.

Joint efforts of Deutsche Bank and Severstal aimed at supporting the concert demonstrate continuation of their long-standing cooperation not only in the business area but in joint cultural and art projects as well. Cash funds allocated by the companies for this project will be transferred to Rostropovich Cello Foundation founded on Maestro Rostropovich's initiative to support young cellists. The Foundation is managed by The Kronberg Academy.

Dr. Tessen von Heydebreck, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank Ltd. and President of the Board of the Deutsche Bank Foundation, said: "Besides doing business, Deutsche Bank is committed to sustainably contributing to culture and society, as an essential part of the Bank's corporate identity. While continuing our more than 25 year tradition of supporting Russia's arts and culture, we are delighted to contribute to the concert in memory of Maestro Rostropovich, a landmark event on the international music scene.

According to Alexey Mordashov, General Director of Severstal, the Company was honored to have the opportunity to become a partner of Mstislav Rostropovich Memorial Concert. "We highly appreciate and respect the initiative of The Kronberg Academy as well as its activities to continue Maestro's noble cause of  supporting talented musicians through the Rostropovich Cello Foundation. We are delighted that this particular event, cherished by the admirers of the great musician's art in Russia as well as in Germany, will allow us to once again combine efforts with our long-standing partner - Deutsche Bank".

Originally the concert was scheduled to celebrate the musician's 80th anniversary, and Mstislav Rostropovich was supposed to participate in it personally. After Maestro passed away on 27 April 2007, this concert will become a tribute to the memory of the world-known musician and conductor.

Rostropovich Cello Foundation was founded in 1997 on the initiative of Mstislav Rostropovich in cooperation with The Kronberg Academy. The aim of the Foundation is to support and develop creative work of young talented cellists. By the decision of Mstislav Rostropovich the Foundation is managed by The Kronberg Academy and its Director Raimund Trenkler.

Severstal had invested around half a billion rubles in 2006 in charity programs aimed at preserving the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, enhancing the development of the country's modern culture and providing support for sports and the protection of children. The company's General Director Alexey Mordashov is a member of boards of trustees of Tretyakovskaya Gallery, the Bolshoi and the Mariinski theaters, the Russian Museum and he is also a member of the Patriarchal Board of Trustees for the restoration of Valaam monastery.