OREANDA-NEWS. Paris, France, will host the 15th Worldwide Exhibition of Internal State Security Milipol Paris 2007 held under the aegis of the French Ministry of the Interior, Gendarmerie Nationale, 3 Commissariats (Land, Air, Sea), French Customs, Ministry of Justice and Prison Department, and Ministry of Transport. For the first time this great event will take place at the exhibition center “Paris Expo Porte de Versalles”.

“Milipol Paris 2007” is the world's major showcase demonstrating various items of special equipment and weaponry. In the recent years the exhibition has won the reputation of the most prestigious international forum for exchange of experience in the development and upgrading of techniques and weapons to fight terrorism, illegal drug trafficking, smuggling, and hostage taking. Along with security professionals, the exhibition is visited by the representatives of state political structures, business elite, and other organizations interested in providing reliable public security in their countries. For instance, “Milipol Paris 2005” attracted 812 exhibitors from 41 countries. It is expected that this year the exposition will feature a much broader range of exhibits, particularly a variety of newgeneration special weapons and facilities.

Over the recent decade Russia, like several other countries, has faced terrorist threats and realized attacks and so it could not but respond to the challenge of countering terrorism facing the world community. In this connection the deliveries of special weapons and special facilities are becoming increasingly important for the Rosoboronexport State Corporation (hereafter referred to as Enterprise), the single Russian enterprise authorized to export and import the whole range of armaments and military equipment. For this reason, a separate division was set up within its organizational structure in 2001 to cope with equipping foreign law-enforcement bodies and counterterrorist groups with special devices.

Within the united Russian exposition, organized by the Rosoboronexport State Corporation, domestic manufacturers of special equipment and weaponry will present a wide spectrum of their exhibits.

Being involved in forming a legal civilized market for security and counter-terrorism facilities, the Enterprise has established interaction and information sharing with the UN Security Council Counter-Terrorism Committee and the CIS Counter-Terrorist Center. The Corporation actively interacts with the Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia, whose delegation also participates in the exhibition, and the united Russian exposition will include its special equipment, telephone and microphone tapping equipment, search, protection and security, covert surveillance, photography and TV facilities, criminalistical equipment as well as counter explosive device equipment. The visitors will see an electronic presentation of a unit designed to remotely destroy explosive devices using hydro-brasive cutting. Among the exhibits will be also the Turaya personal satellite communications system tapping equipment and mobile communications subscriber station tapping hardware.

Visiting the Russian exposition, the participants and guests of the show will be able to get familiar with a special weapons for equipping counterterrorist groups: the 9 mm PP-000 machine pistol, 9 mm AS special assault rifle, 9 mm VSK-4 sniper rifle, other models of small arms and ammunition to them as well as a variety of night vision sights and body armor. Russian silenced small arms like the PSS pistol, sniper rifles, and the unique 5.66 mm APS underwater assault rifle, which is manufactured in any other country of the world, will expectedly be of great interest.

The exposition also displays Russian assault weapons that are popular abroad as well. Among the most powerful weapons worldwide in its class is the 9 mm SR-
Gyurza self-oading pistol. A bullet of the SP-0 cartridge penetrates splinterproof armor vests and steel army helmets at distances of up to 100 m. The 9 mm SR-2 machine pistol also offers unique capabilities. The SV-1324 unit intended to disintegrate mines and demolition bombs used by terrorists for explosive attacks in populated areas will surely be a highlight of the exposition.

Most of the special weapons offered to foreign customers meet the urban warfare requirements to the maximum: restricted destruction radius and high grouping of shots in single and automatic fire reducing the probability of casualties among civilians, hostages and special police officers and minimizing destruction of physical objects.

The specialists attending the exhibition will surely take an interest in national security systems used to provide protection of administration buildings and rooms. Some of the systems have proved their effectiveness in protection of such worldrenown historic and cultural centers as the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg and the State Historical Museum in Moscow. These include the Rastr electrooptical detector and Rebus passive security detector. The operating principle of these devices is based on recording a change in the coordinates of a light spot created by a built-in active emitter that illuminates the protected object and on analyzing electromagnetic disturbances generated by moving objects.

The exhibits displayed at the stand are only a pittance of the equipment that is now in demand both in the domestic Russian market for security facilities and in dedicated segments of the global market. If required, the specialists will provide complete information concerning both specifications and use of the special equipment exported by the Rosoboronexport State Corporation and experience in its deliveries abroad.