OREANDA-NEWS. November 12, 2007. VivaCell is glad to announce that the renovation of the National Library’s administrative building realized through social contribution from VivaCell is now over. In addition to it, today VivaCell made another donation to the library on the occasion of its 175th Anniversary, for the renovation of its other facilities.
The National Library of Armenia is an educational and cultural institution of national importance. The library’s archive includes nearly 7 million print materials. At present the Library has approximately 30000 registered readers. Here are housed significant resources representative of Armenian literature and science.
Armenian mass media reported on numerous occasions about awful conditions of the National Library’s building. As from the day of its foundation, the library’s building has not seen any renovation. And now the library informs with pleasure that the roof of the administrative building of the library as well as the whole sanitary system of the library (16 units) which was in bad conditions for over 50 years are now completely renovated thanks to the generous donation from VivaCell.
In the near future the National Library is going to celebrate its 175th Anniversary. And since the library is going to host guests from all over the world as well as Armenian Diaspora, VivaCell also provided means for the purpose of organizing a proper celebration of the anniversary. 
Today Ralph Yirikian, the General Manager of VivaCell, visited the library to meet with its staff and make a walk through the library. During the meeting with the staff VivaCell General Manager was awarded the medal after Hakob Meghapart as well as a copy of the first book printed by Hakob Meghapart. To date, this medal was awarded to outstanding Armenians such as Silva Kaputikyan, Arto Chakhmakchyan, Galya Novenc and Ervand Ghazanchyan. Accompanied by the Director of the National Library, Ralph Yirikian became familiar with the room of inviolable funds.
David Sargsyan expressed his gratitude to VivaCell for its social investment thanks to which it became possible to undertake the above mentioned renovation activities: “When last year we applied to VivaCell for support and Ralph Yirikian learned about our problems, we got immediate response. Thanks to VivaCell’s financial support we could stop the water seep causing considerable damage to our library resources and now we have a completely renovated roof.” 
Ralph Yirikian said: “Each and every Armenian should be proud of having a cultural center like this. No doubt family and society have significant role in shaping our value system, in developing our individuality. However, it is the literature, both science and fiction that convey the knowledge of the past generations as well as unveil the beauty of the world both around us and inside us to inspire us and guide toward good deeds. It is a very big honor for me to receive the medal after Hakob Meghapart. And at the same time, I understand, it is a huge responsibility to receive the first Armenian print book as a gift in this institution”.