OREANDA-NEWS. November 27, 2007. Regular session of the Corporation’s Council was held on the premises of JSC “Arzamas NPP “Temp-Avia” (Arzamas), reported the press-centre of Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC.
The session commenced with admission of new members to the Council, i.e. FGUP “Ryazan Design Bureau “Globus” and FGUP “TsKB Avtomatiki”  which joined the Corporation in accordance with the presidential decree dated 20 July 2007.

Having studied the issue of external economic relations the Council made the following decision: in order to boost the process of entering external markets the manufacturers are to expedite completion of requisite documents on their export-oriented defence products included into a new List approved by Decree of the RF President. At the same time it is required to initiate the process of obtaining a new certificate to conduct foreign trade activity as the certificate granted earlier expires in 2008.

The report on the role of social policy in tackling urgent defence industry and corporate issues, main social policy trends and ways of more efficient use of social assets was made by deputy director general of Tactical Missiles Corporation V.P. Romanov. The Council approved of the efforts aimed at using more rationally the Corporation’s social assets and adopted the procedure of overhauling the objects meant for corporate use.  Commissions are to be set up at each enterprise with the purpose of elaborating implementation plans and tacking social issues. It is also planned to organize sports competitions on the corporate scale.

Having considered the issue of cooperation between the enterprises of the Corporation and improvement proposals the decision was made to adopt the Regulation on intracorporate cooperation at the next session of the Council.

The member of the Council also adopted a working plan for 2008.