OREANDA-NEWS. December 10, 2007. The Belarusian town of Rogachev and the Spanish town of Pozoblanco plan to establish twin-town relations, reported the press-centre of  Gomel Invest.

The leadership of the Spanish town has visited the regional centre recently, learnt from Piotr Guzelevich, the head of the ideology department of the Rogachev Regional Executive Committee.

At present, the sides are developing the joint programmes in socio-economic and cultural spheres. The two towns plan to sign the agreement in spring 2008.

The Belarusian and Spanish towns have cooperated in humanitarian sphere for several years. For instance, the Belarusian-Spanish Friendship Club functions on the base of local school #5 where the local students develop the joint projects, study Spanish and traditions of that country. Sometimes they receive their Spanish counterparts. In turn, a team of young Rogachev residents visited Spain and gave several concerts there.