OREANDA-NEWS. On Dec 18–19 2007, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of TsNIIATOMINFORM FSUE, the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy (Rosatom) and TsNIIATOMINFORM are conducting an annual conference and exhibition “The Analytical Basis of the Nuclear Reform.”

The head of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy Sergey Kiriyenko, his deputies, heads of Atomenergoprom OJSC, Rosenergoatom Concern, TVEL OJSC, Techsnabexport OJSC, Atomredmetzoloto OJSC, Atomstroyexport OJSC, Aromenergomash OJSC, the Executive Committee of the CIS, the CIS Committee on the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy, national nuclear companies and world leading consulting companies are expected to attend the conference.

The press service of the Federal Agency for Nuclear Energy (Rosatom) reports that the key goal of the conference is to create an opportunity for leading scientists, nuclear power engineers and specialists from related industries to discuss the tendencies, prospects, peculiarities and forecasts of sustainable development of the Russian and world nuclear industries in connection with the formation of Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, to show the innovative potential and development prospects of Russia’s nuclear industry and to deepen existing and establish new international contacts.