OREANDA-NEWS. On January 23, 2007 PRAVEX-BANK and trade network of stores "FOXTROT-TELECOM" announced unique action start on consumer credits issue, reported the press-centre of PRAVEX-BANK.

Action crediting term constitutes 10 months, interest rate is just — 0,01% of annuals, monthly fee for settlement service at consumer crediting constitutes from 1,6% to 2,25%. Unique character of this offer is that settlement fee is decreased depending on amount of clients' initial payment.

Conditions of this credit product refer to all groups of goods provided in indicated trade network; action is performed on permanent basis.

"Due to current diversity of credit goods, offered by majority of operators of consumer crediting market, it is very difficult to impress potential client. However uniqueness of our crediting conditions constitutes: to draw up consumer credit it is enough to have just passport and identification code, it will take you 10-15 minutes to draw up a credit, interests are accrued on indebtedness balance and charged only for real time of credit usage, comfortable schedule of credit repayment — monthly, by equal parts, possibility of credit repayment at any of 565 Bank's outlet, and also not only the client can repay credit but any other person instead of him (relatives, friends) and also a lot of other important privileges.

Thanks to this action performance we forecast increase of consumer credits issue in stores of this trade network about on 30-35%", — noted Roman VALESYUK, Senior Vice-Chairman of the Board.