OREANDA-NEWS. February 04, 2007. AsiaUniversalBank gives a special consideration not only to efficient development of banking business but to solution of significant social tasks as well. The Bank’s social policy includes support of culture, arts and higher education , assistance to youth, sports events and philanthropic aid, reported the press-centre of AsiaUniversalBank.

Being one of the biggest sponsors in Kyrgyzstan, AUB actively participates in the life of the society. Thus, In 2007 AUB supported more than 60 social and charitable projects to the amount of more than 20 million soms, which is almost three times as much as the similar characteristic of 2006.

Active support of the culture and arts is the priority orientation of the Bank’s social projects.

In 2007 the Bank kept implementing the program "For all times" aimed at preservation and regenerating of the most valuable things from the cultural heritage of the country. Within the framework of the program the Bank organized and financed several exhibitions, in particular, the art project “Epoch” - the most large-scale exhibition in Kyrgyzstan for the last twenty years. The exhibition, which was visited by tens of thousands of Kyrgyzstan’s citizens, took place at the Exhibition Hall of Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts after G. Aitiyev. The Hall was renovated with a sponsor support of AsiaUniversalBank.

Several art history editions were published within the framework of the program. Particularly, AsiaUniversalBank published a unique 400- paged book “Fine Arts in Kyrgyzstan. XX-XXI centuries” – the most complete edition on fine arts of the country.

Thanks to the project “For all times” Kyrgyzstan’s citizens got the opportunity to listen classical music performed by the world-known musicians –Andrei Pisarev, a pianist, a professor of Moscow conservatory, Sergey Stadler, a world famous violin star, and Denis Matsuyev, a prominent pianist of the present.

As the general partner of the National Opera and Ballet Theater, AUB rendered a sponsor support to some Theater’s performances. The audience had a chance to enjoy “Petrushka”, Stravinsky’s ballet, staged by a French choreographer Laurence Levasseur as well as “Lovers and other strangers”, a performance played by "Niniindance", a well-known dance group from Germany.

Among other bright projects supported by the Bank in 2007 are:
I Issyk-Kul film festival of SCO countries (the Shanghai Cooperation Organization),
Publishing of a monograph “Semyon Chuikov and his epoch”, timed to the artist’s 105th anniversary,
Publishing of a book “Epoch. Visual culture”,
A project “Kyrgyzstan’s golden fund”,
The second Bishkek International jazz festival “Jazz-Bishkek-Spring”.

Support of youth and higher education is an integral part of the Bank’s sponsor programs. In 2007 the Bank carried out its regular nominal scholarships competitions. More than 160 young economists have got AUB’s scholarships during the past 8 years. The Bank’s specialists annually take part in student practical seminars, which are held in order to favor the financial - economical education and to train highly qualified banking specialists. The country’s leading Universities got the opportunity to replenish their library resources due to impressive “book tranche” received from AsiaUniversalBank.

Owing to AUB’s sponsor support, Kyrgyzstan’s National Comedy Club team was able to take part in the XVII Comedy Club International Festival named “KIVIN-2007”. In 2007 AUB once again became the General partner of the National competitions conducted by a public union ”Students in a free entrepreneurship” (SIFE).

Being aware of importance of the country’s sporting success at the international athlete arena, as well as of a healthy life-style promotion, the Bank regularly renders support to the national sports.

AUB is a regular sponsor of the competitions hold by the Federations of athletics, kickboxing, freestyle wrestling, equestrian, swimming, professional billiards and judo. Also AUB is the general sponsor of “AUB-Altyn-tash” soccer club.

With the sponsor assistance of AUB, sportsmen purchase necessary sports goods, conduct coaching and participate in different international sports events. In August 2007, Kyrgyz swimmers won 7 medals (among them 2 gold and 3 silver ones) at Asian championship in Indonesia. AsiaUniversalBank financed training of the swimmers and their participation in the event.

Sometimes AsiaUniversalBank itself acts as an organizer of some sports events. For example, in February 2007, the Bank organized “AUB-Profi -2007” professional mini-soccer Cup tournament and in November, 2007 - mini-soccer Cup tournament dedicated to “AsiaUniversalBank’s” 10th anniversary.

Doing good, AUB aims to make sponsor support of private persons and organizations that are in need of assistance regular.

The Bank carried out a lot of acts of charity, in particular, it helped the following organizations: “ Private soldiers of the Great Patriotic War”, Public union “War veterans”, Public fund “Dostuk Nuru”, International charitable fund “Kurmandjan Datka”, Infantile autism day-care Center, Geriatric home, Handicapped children parents’ Association, Kyrgyz diabetic Association, Republican deaf children Boarding school, and Blind people Society.

In 2004 AUB took under its patronage Belovodsk psycho-neurological orphanage. Currently more than 250 disabled children live in the orphanage. Besides, in 2007 the Bank launched an internal corporate charitable program: the Bank’s employees took Sokuluk children’s home “Friend of children” under their personal patronage. AUB’s workers bring children the necessaries of life – foodstuffs, stationery, books, clothes, and, of course, toys.

AUB intends to continue its charitable activities in 2008. AUB’s Management hopes that the Bank’s contribution to the development of the society will be as much significant as before and similar to its input to the country’s economy.