OREANDA-NEWS. 14 April 2008 to 31 May 2008 authentication tokens (digipass), with regular price of LTL 30, are now available free of charge. Limited number is available only, reported the press-centre of SAMPO E-Bank.

Digipass is an identification measure, complying with highest security requirements, offering unrestricted operations with SAMPO e-bank (currently operations with password card are subject to LTL 4,000 daily transaction limit). It's a small device, which ensures unlimited number of passwords. This is the difference from password card, which only contains 24 permanent passwords.

After you log in to SAMPO E-Bank by digipass, you will be able to do the following (daily limit shall no longer be applicable):

pay in stores;

transfer money;

pay taxes.

You will also have access to every other SAMPO E-Bank services.

You can change password card to digipass at any customer service centre; just contact any customer assistant and they will demonstrate convenient and simple use of digipass.

Please feel free to change password card to digipass and enjoy active and secure use of SAMPO E-Bank!