OREANDA-NEWS. May 26, 2008. IBA took part in the 11th Belarusian Industrial Forum that was held in Minsk, reported the press-centre of IBA.

Public and social institutions, including the National Academy of Sciences, the ministries of industry, economy, trade, energy, education, architecture and construction, transport, agriculture and food products, the State Committee on Science and Technology, and the Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus supported the event.

More than 300 companies from 18 countries exhibited at the forum. All Belarusian regions and free economic zones were presented at the event.

At the opening ceremony, Anatoly Rusetsky, Minister of Industry of the Republic of Belarus, addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. Mikhail Myasnikovich, Chairman of Presidium of Academy of Sciences, Mikhail Oseevsky, Vice Governor of St. Petersburg, and Vladimir Kabanov, Vice Governor of Volgograd region took part in the opening ceremony.

The IBA booth “From product design to lifecycle management” featured IBA solutions based on CAD/CAM/CAE/PLM technologies of Parametric Technology Corporation (РТС)

At the forum, IBA experts delivered a number of presentations and a seminar for potential partners and customers.

At the seminar, experts from РТС and Peleng told about PTC products.
IBA was awarded a diploma for active participation in the forum.