OREANDA-NEWS. May 31, 2008. All-Russian holiday "Days of Slavic literature and culture" held in Tver within the framework of Open lesson on Russian History drew the results and awarded the winners of regional stage of all-Russian competition "The Best Letter-Writing Lesson", reported the press-centre of Russian Post.

Russian Post arranged the competition jointly with Publishing House Uchitelskaya gazeta. Over 700 children participated in it.

D.V. Zelenin, Governor of Tver region and N.A. Gusar, Acting Director of Russian Post AFPS in Tver welcomed guests and participants of the ceremony. D.V. Zelenin called schoolchildren for love and appreciation to Russian language as the base of state and culture. N.A. Gusar in his turn advised the audience to continue epistolary tradition, write letters to relatives and friends and promised that Russian Post delivers them duly.

The participants got diplomas, prizes and memorable presents from FSUE Russian Post and CJSC Publishing House Uchitelskaya gazeta.

For reference:
All-Russian competition "The Best Letter Writing Lesson" was established by FSUE Russian Post jointly with CJSC Publishing House Uchitelskaya gazeta in 2003. It aims at promotion of Russian epistolary tradition and focus children on Russian language values.

"The Best Letter-Writing Lesson" is also aimed for teachers of Russian language who can give pupils the lesson of writing letters in artistic manner.