OREANDA-NEWS. June 10, 2008. IC ROSNO took part in a large-scale international study of people’s confidence in the future and their satisfaction with their life, conducted by Allianz SE in April-May 2008 in 10 countries, reported the press-centre of ROSNO.

The study was carried out by way of a telephone interview in accordance with the CATI methodology. Samples were selected in the countries whose teams would play in the European Football Championship: Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Russia, Turkey, France, and Croatia. The presentation of the study results around the world has been timed for the start of the Championship.

The samples included males and females aged 15 to 60. The aggregate number of respondents in each country varied in the range of 1,000 to 1,600.

Assessment of the country’s situation

In terms of the quantity of those respondents who evaluate situation in their country as "good", Russia ranks third in the rating, sharing its ranking with Spain and Croatia.

In terms of the citizens’ confidence in the future of their country (over the next 12 months), Russians rank third (29% of respondents), yielding to Italians (35%) and Austrians (33%). The feeling of concern and lack of confidence in this regard is much less frequent among Russians than among residents of other countries. The share of those who feel concerned equals 27%, while in Turkey this share is 71%, with 59% in Spain and 58% in France.

Satisfaction with personal situation

Russia, along with Austria and Spain, is distinguished among other countries by the small size of the share of those who view their personal situation as "Rather bad/very bad". The share of such respondents is less than 10%. However, the share of those who view their personal situation as "Rather good/very good" is lower in Russia that in the mentioned countries (43% in Russia against 64% in Austria and 55% in Spain). The leading positions in terms of the share of citizens confident in their future personal situation belong to Austria (60%), Germany (57%), and Greece (57%).

Social security issues are matter of concern

Speaking about evaluation of the basic parameters of social stability, Russians most positively evaluate their chances for finding a job. 27% of respondents expressed confidence in this regard. Then, in descending order, there follow the quality of education in schools and universities (23% confidence), general economic situation (18% confidence), statutory health and long-term care insurance (16% confidence), statutory pension insurance (10% confidence), conservation of the environment and climate protection (9% confidence). In terms of confidence in the pension system, Russia ranks penultimate among the reviewed countries. Germany was the only country to show a lower figure (6% of respondents). As for the area least satisfying Russians, it is the climate protection (9%).

Situation with pension system and healthcare regarded as critical

Among important personal issues, Russians feel least confident in their older-age financial security. Only 13% of respondents positively evaluated this item. Furthermore, Russians feel not so satisfied with the quality of medical aid. (Only 32% of respondents positively evaluated this parameter.) The largest share of respondents are confident in such components as "Home where you feel safe" and "Your family / child". Confidence in these issues was expressed by 69% and 68% of respondents (respectively).

The similar structure of views is observed among representatives of other countries as well. Most frequently, people are confident in their home and family. The least confidence is felt towards older-age financial security.

"Such studies, conducted by the Allianz Group on a regular basis, are of particular value for insurance companies. Since insurance is essentially a financial protection tool, by concluding contracts with our company, people acquire confidence in their future. And the survey data are the very factor that enables us to understand more clearly, in what areas our potential and actual clients need support and protection", noted Mr. Michael Safran, Deputy CEO of ROSNO.

"This is for the first time that Russia has joined the list of countries participating in the large-scale studies conducted by the Allianz. Statistics shows that the Russians evaluate their economic, social and personal situation much the same as other Europeans. It is especially pleasant that Russians feel more optimistic than residents of some other countries. At the same time, it is evident that such factors as older-age financial security, quality of medical aid, and environmental situation are the matters of concern. This shows how important today is the role of insurance in protection of life and health and pension provision. It is the very area where we see the source of market development, enabling ROSNO and Allianz ROSNO Life to build their business on the basis of the clients’ needs, directing efforts to seek methods for their reliable protection against anxiety", commented Mr. Hannes Chopra, head of Allianz Eurasia, CEO of ROSNO.