OREANDA-NEWS. July 08, 2008. In 2008 the Samarqand Chemical Works launches manufacture of a new product – nitrocalciumphosphate. This project implementation is a part of a program on increasing output of phosphor-containing fertilizers in Uzbekistan.

The “Uzhimprom” State Stock Company said that the project ensures to finish by the end of 2008 the organizing process of producing the new fertilizer (nitrocalciumphosphate) in the Samarqand Chemical Works, using nitrate method of processing non-concentrated phosphorite in the Jeroy deposit with the annual capacity of 34 thsd tons.

Specialists conclude that the nitrocalciumphosphate is much effective fertilizer because it contains nitrogen, phosphor and quicklime (CaO) as an efficient compound for plants – calcium nitrate. The advantage of new technology is that its production needs raw phosphorite and nitric acid instead of deficit sulfuric acid and this method produces no wastes as phosphoric gypsum.

In July 2007 President of Uzbekistan approved a Program of modernization, technical and technological re-equipment of chemical industry for 2007-2011. The Program provides for increase of export of phosphor-containing fertilizers on the basis of Jeroy-Sardarinsky phosphorite deposit.