OREANDA-NEWS. August 07, 2008. Children’s Arts School of the village of Odzun is completely renovated and refurbished thanks to AMD 18.4 million donation from VivaCell. The school now has a new local heating and hot water supply system, and a completely new rooftop, reported the press-centre of VivaCell.

The renovated Arts School was officially opened jointly by VivaCell General Manager Ralph Yirikian and Deputy Marzpet of Lori Arsen Darbinyan with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.    

VivaCell continues on implementing its large-scale CSR programs having long-term positive impact on the rural communities of Armenia. This time the Company chose to direct the focus of its CSR on one of the oldest and largest villages of Armenia – Odzun, famous for the richness of its historical-cultural and religious sites, and the prominent people born in the village. 

Taking into account the number of Odzun inhabitants, as well as the need to encourage the healthy esthetical education among children in the villages of Armenia, VivaCell allocated funds for the complete renovation of Children’s Arts School of the village of Odzun. In addition to new rooftop and local heating system, new windows and doors have been installed, and a local heating and water supply system have been put in place in the school.

The Arts School was founded in 1970 and is the only arts school serving 8 neighboring villages. The Arts School includes the following sections: piano, as well as string, wind, folk instruments, and a painting class. Since for many years the system of Arts Schools in Armenia has been in decline, VivaCell considers it as of prime importance to sponsor the revival of the system.

Following the ribbon-cutting ceremony, VivaCell General Manager Ralph Yirikian noted: “We stand here today, in one of the Armenia’s ancient settlements, proud to be sons and daughters of Armenia. VivaCell commitment to support the renovation and refurbishment of the Arts School is determined by our obligation to be worthy descendants of our predecessors – we had to create here in Odzun a modern Arts School to encourage the younger generation of Odzun to become worthy of its cultural past. And as a socially-responsible corporate citizen, VivaCell is allocating part of its revenues to help create bridges between the younger generation of Armenia and our national culture.”

VivaCell social investment in Odzun is not limited to the renovation of its Children’s Arts Center and its refurbishment. The company also presented the administration of the village with a garbage-collecting vehicle worth of AMD 9 million.