OREANDA-NEWS. October 10, 2008. ROSNO’s internet game “Zabei Gol” (Score a Goal) has won the first prize at the Moscow International Advertising Festival Red Apple 2008 in the nomination “Web Communications. Virus Campaigns”, reported the press-centre of ROSNO.

The idea of creating a funny game that would become a logical continuation of ROSNO's humorous image advertising arose among employees of the company's Marketing Department against the backdrop of the memorable victories of the Russian football team. The project was launched during the European Football Championship Euro 2008, when interest towards this sport among Russians reached its peak. Technical implementation of the project was conducted by the advertising agency Grape.

As an instrument for promotion of the game among Web users the company has chosen the viral marketing method, whereby the link to the game was disseminated via social networks, blogs, forums, and entertainment portals. After initial dissemination of links, users have been themselves forwarding them to their friends and acquaintances. This project has become a pleasant surprise for ROSNO's clients and partners, who received this link in form of congratulation with our team's fighting its way through to the Euro 2008 quarterfinals.

The game "Zabei Gol" has drawn active response from the audience: just in the first several hours after the announcement, the number of visitors of the website www.go-o-ol.ru exceeded 900 people. In total, over 143 thousand "unique" visitors played the game, and the overall number of visits exceeded 184 thousand.

"The response obtained from the audience has surpassed our best expectations. It shows that the modern consumer requires new non-typical promotion methods from the advertiser. We seek to select such a form for communicating information about us to our clients and business partners that would be useful, joyful, and entertaining. We are pleased that the professional community has appreciated our efforts as well", commented on this victory Ms. Malika Kulayeva, head of ROSNO's Marketing Department.