OREANDA-NEWS. November 18, 2008. In the first week of November 2008, balance of lei deposits of individuals in the bank system of Moldova increased by 150 million leis.

As Iit was informed in the press service of the Ministry of economy and commerce, this information was presented by the working group on monitoring macroeconomic situation, headed by the First Vice-Premier, the Minister of Economy and Commerce Igor Dodon.

At the same time, deposits of individuals in foreign currency decreased by 144.8 million leis. As of October 31, the exchange rate of lei to euro made 13.53 lei and as of November 7- 13.34 leis.

"Despite the global financial crisis, the growth of deposits in lei means the confidence of citizens of Moldova to the national currency, as well as the banking system, which is one of the most stable in the region", - Igor Dodon underlined.

According to the National Bank, since January 1, 2008 till November 13, 2008, the volume of deposits of individuals in the banks of the country totaled 24 billion leis, 14.4 billion of which - in leis, and 9.6 billion - in foreign currency. During the current year, the amount of deposits increased by about 3.4 billion leis.

The working group on monitoring macroeconomic situation was created in April of this year for analyzing dynamics of the general macroeconomic indicators. The group includes representatives from the Ministry of Finance, the National Bank, the National Bureau of Statistics, the Customs Service, Center for Economic Crimes and Corruption prevention, the National Agency for Protection of Competition, etc.