OREANDA-NEWS. January 13, 2009. As previously informed, by the decision of Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) Council of December 25, 2008, were approved changes  and addition # 4 (amendments) to KASE internal document "Rules on Foreign  Currency Exchange Trading", effective from December 29, 2008, reported the press-centre of KASE.

The mentioned amendments were agreed on with the Agency of the Republic of  Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations on January 8, 2009.

In compliance with the mentioned amendments KASE category "B" members are entitled to make on exchange trades in foreign currencies in addition to "common", separate foreign currency purchasing-selling deals matching foreign currency purchasing-selling deals, which present the currency swap transaction - the aggregate of two simultaneously made between two one and the same  participants of foreign currencies exchange trades and reversal to each other deals with the same number of the same foreign currency, which differ in these deals settlements timeframes (on the assumption that thereby timeframes comply with timeframes of settlements on deals in foreign currency, established by the Exchange Council decisions).

For the KASE category "B" member - the currency swap transaction participant, this transaction has the "selling-purchasing" nature, if according to included into this transaction deals on foreign currency purchasing-selling with earlier settlements timeframe this KASE member sold a foreign currency and vice versa has the "purchasing-selling" nature, if according to the mentioned deal he purchased a foreign currency.

The difference between foreign currency prices according to deals of its purchasing-selling, included into this transaction is used as the currency swap transaction price; given this:

- the price of a foreign currency according to included into this transaction foreign currency purchasing-selling deal with earlier settlements timeframe is the weighted average price of all deals in this foreign currency with  mentioned settlements timeframe, made on the start (opening) day of this transaction on the first by turn trading session where this foreign currency   has been traded with mentioned settlements timeframe;

- the price of a foreign currency according to included into this transaction foreign currency purchasing-selling deal with later settlements timeframe (i.e. the price, based on which are defined this transaction participants obligations on such deal) is defined as the sum of the foreign currency price, defined in compliance with the previous paragraph and this transaction price.

Settlements on foreign currency purchasing-selling deals, included into the currency swap transactions, are made on the same terms and in the same order as on separate foreign currency purchasing-selling deals.

In addition, the mentioned amendments were made for editorial unification with other KASE internal documents.

Rules of Foreign Currencies Exchange Trading revised text is published on KASE website at http://www.kase.kz/files/normative_base/rules_currency.pdf