OREANDA-NEWS. January 30, 2009. The Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine jointly with MIA and ecological public organizations, according to the tradition, holds an annual all-Ukrainian action the Primrose targeting protection of rare flowers and fight against illegal trade with these species.

Every year from February till May Ukraine faces trade with rare species of early blossoming, endemic and relic plants. Most of them are under threat of extinction and included into the Red Book. The amounts of trade with these plants, especially during holidays – St. Valentine’s Day (February 14), Motherland Defender Day (February 23), 8 of March and Easter are obtaining criminal nature.

Decorative features and proanthesis of such Red Book species as cyclamen of Kuznetsov, plicate snowdrop, spring saffron, Geifel saffron, Crimean saffron enjoy their high popularity and demand. In the result every spring millions of flowers are torn to fill illegal flower market of Ukrainian cities. To lead illegal trade a well-arranged chain of pickers, second-hand dealers and sellers is being functioning, hence fight against it calls for efficient cooperation between the authorities and society.

In this period the Ministry of Environment strengthens control in the area of preserving objects of fauna and organizes the Primrose-2009 action. To fulfill raid check-ups, on compulsory basis MIA officers, forest service, representatives of central executive authorities, mass media and society are attracted. An operative activity will be concentrated, in general in the places of collecting and sales of flowers, conveyance routes and on state border check-points.

Among the other measures of the Primrose are ecological elucidating and propagandistic work into importance of preserving primroses.

The Ministry of Environment summons everyone to join the Primrose operation for the sake of preserving the unique Ukrainian nature.