OREANDA-NEWS  On 18 February was announced, that AsiaUniversalBank (AUB) gave aid to abandoned children at the “Center for Social Support of Children”, which provides a home, psychological and social help to these children. Ninety-two residents at the center, from 4-year-old children to teenagers, who are part-taking in a program of social and psychological treatment, received school equipment, toiletries and food.

In addition, the Bank’s staff, on their own initiative, organized the charity collection and delivered children clothes, toys, books and school equipment to the Center, afterwards returning to their desks back to work. This is just one of the ways that the employees of AUB have contributed to the Bank’s program on corporate social responsibility. This clearly shows that giving and social support to the vulnerable by the Bank’s staff is now an established tradition and part of the social program of the bank.

Mukaram Atamarzayeva, the principal of the Center, was deeply touched by the initiatives of the AUB employees. “It is so important to the children. The Bank’s employees were so proactive in collecting aid. It is so wonderful to see that they haven’t turned a blind eye to the problems of abandoned children.” - She thanked AUB staff.