OREANDA-NEWS. May 04, 2009. Mobile services operator life:) is acknowledged as one of the most socially responsible Ukrainian companies in the new issue of all-Ukrainian rating program "Gvardia", reported the press-centre of SCM.

April 2009 is marked with the release of "Rating of companies’ openness and activity in the area of corporate social responsibility", prepared by all-Ukrainian rating program "Gvardia". Two years running rating indicates a high level of corporate social responsibility of the operator life:)!

An important feature of this year socially responsible companies’ rating is its objectivity, based on data about social investments. While working out the rating experts considered the activity of companies over the past 3 years, including investments in improving the lives and health of society, in their employees, in the preservation of environment, charity and philanthropy, as well as responsible behavior towards customers, partners and the whole country.

‘Responsible position of corporations should be seen and appreciated by society. Today, when the standard of living has worsened, such socially responsible behavior should be a standard, an example to follow’, - in this way the editors of the rating describe the role of the listed companies.

The largest social project of life:) is charitable campaign "To help is so easy", aimed to help street children. Since 2005, the campaign collected 2.3 million UAH, which were distributed among about 20 non-governmental child centers. One of the major objectives of this campaign is to change the attitude of Ukrainians to street children and to draw attention to their concerns. Thus actions and projects within the campaign have a deep resonance in society due to innovative approach and participation of prominent people.

In 2009 campaign "To help is so easy" collaborates with production company Sota Cinema Group and one of the most famous Ukrainian film directors Kira Muratova who shot the film about orphans "Melody for barrel-organ".

life:) also has a number of other projects, including sponsorship of Paralympic team of Ukraine during the Games in Beijing, summer camps for orphans together with "Edynstvennaya" Foundation, participation in the project  to fight human trafficking of International Organization for Migration.

Find out more on the operator’s web site www.life.com.ua