OREANDA-NEWS. June 12, 2009. As it was informed in the Ministry of Reintegration of Moldova, in January-May 2009, electricity exports declared by Moldavian HES in the Customs Service of Moldova amounted to 16,1% of the total exports from the region during this period.

Electricity was mainly exported to Romania. The volume of deliveries to Romania, started in July 2007, is planned to increase up to about 400 MW, or 290 million kilowatt hours per month. Within the project it is expected to use 400 kV transmission lines Moldavian HES - Vulcanesti and Vulcanesti-Isakcea (Romania).

A corresponding agreement was signed on November 14, 2008 by the heads of "Inter RAO ES of Russia" and enterprise "Moldelectrica". Since August 2005, Moldovan HES is the part of the group "Inter RAO ES". Moldavian HES is one of the largest power plants in the Eastern Europe.

The total installed capacity of 12 power stations is 2 thousand 520 megawatts. Maximum demand of Moldovan energy system is 1,1-1,2 thousand MW.