OREANDA-NEWS. On 21 July 2009 was announced, that in June 2009, the Altay grain processor PAVA participated in a series of prominent events, related to the company strategic development. On June 6-7, PAVA Chairman Andrey Igoshin visited World Grain Forum in St. Petersburg, devoted to management of global food and grain reserves amid growing international demand for these commodities. Mr Igoshin made a report entitled “World flour markets. Export prospects for Russia” and was among the participants of meeting with President D. Medvedev. The issues discussed during the meeting included the need to increase share of exported grain processing products and government support for the flour industry.

PAVA representatives also visited the VII International No-Till Conference in the Ukraine to exchange the experience on implementation of pioneer agronomic methods.

By the middle of the month,  spring crop sowings were completed according to the schedule, expanding planted acreage for wheat, buckwheat and sunflower. The company started herbicide treatment of the crop, combining ground spraying with the use of hang-gliders, seeking higher efficiencies.

Two milling plants of PAVA located in Achinsk and Mikhailovsky districts obtained certificates for production of wholemeal wheat flour, and production of oatmeal flour was launched, in order to meet the emerging consumer needs for these two grades on the Russian market. Bakery of Mikhailovsky mill began to produce iodized bread, as a measure to cope with iodine shortage in the region, and supply the product to local schools and orphanage.

In June, the most rapidly developing exporter of the industry made a regular shipment of fortified flour to Tajikistan within UN WFP. Besides, South Korean partners received the first trial batch of PAVA high-grade flour in a specially designed paper package, now considering the opportunities of a long-term partnership with a Russian company.