OREANDA-NEWS. August 06, 2009. Belarusian and Iranian specialists are exploring the possibilities to increase oil production at Jofeir oil filed, it was learnt from the press service of Belorusneft.

This and other issues were considered at a meeting of the joint committee for Jofeir oil field development held during the working visit of specialists of PEDCO and PEDEC companies to Gomel.

The participants of the meeting presented their proposals to enhance oil recovery at the Jofeir oil field.

The industry research institute BelNIPIneft held a number of presentations related to development of the Jofeir oil field. A protocol of cooperation was signed with the PEDCO company.

Petropars Institute is the fourth partner of the Belarusian oil industry in Iran. Since 2007 the Belarusian-Iranian joint venture Belpars Petroleum Company Limited has been working in Iran. It performs geological prospecting of the Jofeir oil field. Pilot operation of the oil field is supposed to start this year. The output of the explored strata is estimated at 25,000 barrels daily.

The manufacturing corporation Belorusneft was set up in 1966. It is part of the Belarusian petrochemical concern Belneftekhim. The company performs oil exploration, well drilling, extraction of oil and associated gas. Over the last two years the company has set up joint ventures in Russia, Venezuela, and Iran. The joint ventures offer complex solutions for exploring oil deposits.