OREANDA-NEWS. August 21, 2009. The Gov’t will finance purchase of buses for conveyance of pupils in rural areas. The Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko announced during a selector meeting dedicated to the issues of preparing schools to the new academic year with heads of local authorities.

“In the nearest weeks we will determine the supplier of national buses for conveyance of pupils, we will find out minimal price of such buses and for 3-4 month we will solve the problem,” the Head of Government said. According to her, by November 1 the buses will be bought and sent to the regions. Yulia Tymoshenko informed that UAH 150 million is envisaged for financing of the mentioned program in the State Budget.

At this, the Premier commissioned the Ministry of Education and Science to hold necessary consultations with heads of regions and find out technical requirements to the school buses, in particular with regards to conveyance of children with restricted abilities.