OREANDA-NEWS. August 21, 2009. At meeting with representatives of Jordanian business operators, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip provided information on Estonia’s e-Government experience, Internet-based public services and described Estonia’s business environment in greater detail, reported the Official website valitsus.ee.

At the meeting with Jamal A. Al-Sarayrah, who has held several ministerial posts in the Jordanian government, and Nihad Fahmy, who for 20 years was the G-15’s Secretary General for the Middle East and is today these nations’ Ambassador in the European Union, Ansip noted that Estonia was interested in closer ties between the two countries. Above all, the delegation of Jordanian businessmen expressed interest in the e-services in use in Estonia.

In addition to the information system for the sessions of the Government of the Republic, Andrus Ansip discussed Estonia’s positive experience with e-elections and wide distribution of the digital signature. At the meeting, security measures for digital administration were discussed as well. “Digital solutions help, above all, to speed up official administration and render it convenient for the entire population,” Ansip said.

Discussion also addressed oil shale production, regarding which the Prime Minister observed that Estonia and Jordan could also work together in developing energy resources.