OREANDA-NEWS. On 03 September 2009 was announced, that Oleg Deripaska, Head of Basic Element and CEO of RUSAL, has taken part in a meeting held by the Minister of Energy Sergey Shmatko. The meeting was also attended by Sergey Shoygu, Minister for Emergency Situation and Vyacheslav Sinyugin, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC RusHydro, which owns the Sayano-Shushensk HPP.

The meeting was held to discuss the breakdown at the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro Power Plant and its consequences for the energy supply in the Siberian region, where the most energy consuming facilities, including RUSAL's aluminium smelters, are located. Meeting participants discussed different scenarios of using backup capacities for uninterrupted supply of energy to RUSAL's facilities.  One of the issues discussed was a possibility to reduce the output at RUSAL's smelters to create additional reserve of energy required for stable functioning of the region on the eve of the autumn-winter season when the load on the energy system increases.