OREANDA-NEWS. September 09, 2009. The Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko has empowered the Minister of Internal Affairs Yurii Lutsenko to abolish payment for the reference about violations of rules by drivers the document needed to pass the procedure of state technical checkup for a vehicle. A respective commission was formulated by the Head of Government during the hotline dedicated to considering of problem issues of entrepreneurs.

Present during the hotline Yurii Lutsenko announced that when passing the mentioned procedure by the driver militia would check database of payment of fines independently and free of charge: “If fines are not paid the state technical checkup will not be conducted – it is a norm contained in the Law on road rules”.

The Minister informed that as of the current date drivers had been fined to the tune of UAH 1 billion for violation of road rules, with UAH 600 million already taken. He also emphasized that from the moment fine rates had been increased the number of dead on Ukrainian roads decreased by 36% or by 2 thousand persons against analogous period of last year, while the number of injured decreased by 40% or by 14 thousand persons – “this is the price of establishing order on our roads”.

Besides, during the hotline the Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko empowered the MIA to maintain an operative system of announcing of owners of transport vehicles and heads of transport carrier companies on made by drivers violations and imposed fines.