OREANDA-NEWS. September 30, 2009. KAZAKHMYS PLC, listed on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE), provided KASE with a press release, reported the press-centre of KASE:

Kazakhstan Manufacturers Forum started in Karaganda. The Forum was organized by the Kazakhmys group jointly with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Akimat of Karaganda oblast.

The Forum is being held to implement orders of the head of the state voiced at the twentieth Foreign Investor Council and is a part of the program 'Vybiraem Kazakhstanskoe', during which Kazakhmys is switching to purchase of goods and services from local producers.

Over 600 representatives of domestic manufacturers, trade and industrial chambers, business associations, central state agencies and local district authorities and regional businesses will take part in the forum. There will be an exhibition of products and services of local manufacturers. Meetings and talks will be held and agreements will be signed at the forum.

"Today we are making an important step to expand volume of procurement from local manufacturers, necessary for further development, modernization and diversification of the Kazakhstan economy, and specifically, regional businesses. Kazakhmys is managing a number of systemic enterprises in several regions, first of all, in Karaganda oblast. We are responsible for prosperity of these cities and, of course, we are interested in Kazazakhmys developing local economy to the maximum extent. This is our strategic goal, and we will implement it jointly with Akimats and the government. At that, we want our program to activate commerce in Kazakhstan, so that it facilitates competitive environment, business efficiency and product quality improvement. This program will allow for manufacturers, purchasers and the whole economy win", - Vladimir Kim, Chairman of Kazakhmys said".