OREANDA-NEWS. April 1, 2010. SCM became a partner of the Second Ukrainian Business Summit on Climate Change, which took place in Kiev. The forum was organized by the United Nations and the Global Compact in Ukraine with support of the Ministry for the Protection of the Environment of Ukraine and Kommersant-Ukraine Publishing House.

The Summit titled Climate change: global challenges and new strategies for the Ukrainian business attracted representatives of United Nations and Global Compact in Ukraine, officials of the Ukrainian government, businesses and different NGOs. The participants of the forum not only discussed the problem of the climate change, but also shared practical examples of how to address it and outlined further steps to prevent the climate change.

SCM was represented at the Summit by Jock Mendoza-Wilson, Director of International and Investor Relations.

Addressing the delegates, Mr Mendoza-Wilson spoke about the steps taken by SCM Group to reduce its environmental footprint: "SCM Group shares the opinion of the global community and recognizes the climate change as a pressing issue. These are not just words: our industrial holdings follow a systemic approach to minimize the environmental impact. Our focus areas include inventory of GHG emissions, modernized production and engagement in global initiatives aimed to tackle the climate change. We believe that maintaining the environmental balance is at the heart of SCM Group's constructive relationships with the society and is a keystone for successful long-term development of our business".

SCM corporate website features the presentation by Mr Mendoza-Wilson Tackling Climate Change: The Progress Made by Ukrainian Business.