OREANDA-NEWS. April 07, 2010. President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov received Kunio Noji, President and CEO Komatsu Ltd.

Thanking for the cordial welcome extended in the Turkmen land the guest said that he had the heartfelt recollections about the unforgettable meeting with the Turkmen leader who had found the time and an opportunity during his official visit to Japan last December to visit one of the largest engineering plants of the Komatsu Company in Osaka city to see the modern manufacturing process.

Greeting the top manager of the world-renowned company that manufactures products of high demand all over the world, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underscored with satisfaction the high dynamics of long-term fruitful cooperation successfully developed in a number of fields, in particular deliveries of high-powered road construction and excavation equipment which was engaged nearly in all major construction projects in the country. A striking example of this is the large-scale project of construction of the Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake in the heart of the Karakum Desert, the successful implementation of which is ensured by reliable and easy-to-use equipment of this renowned brand.

Expressing gratitude for the confidence granted to the Japanese partners, the CEO of Komatsu noted that Japan should keen interest in the rapid development of Turkmenistan which resolutely moved forward along the path of progress and innovative reforms initiated by the Turkmen leader. Informing of the growing interest of the Japanese business community in strengthening the position in the promising Turkmen market and implementing new joint projects developed in compliance with the large-scale reform programmes launched in Turkmenistan, Kunio Noji expressed the full readiness of the transnational concern to further steadily enhance fruitful cooperation build on the principles of mutual confidence and benefit.

As is known, the mutual interest in effective collaboration was confirmed by the Agreement between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Japanese companies Komatsu and Itochu Corporation, which was signed in May 2008, on the purchase of up to 200 state-of-the-art machines annually till 2015 which would be engaged in implementing projects in the fuel and energy, transport, water, agricultural and other sectors.

Discussing the further ways to intensify cooperation on a long-term, mutually advantageous basis, the President of Turkmenistan put forward the proposals on compulsory preliminary testing of new machines in the soil and climatic conditions of Turkmenistan, considerable expansion of the network of service centres through construction of new ones in Ashgabat and the velayats of the country and personnel training, in particular.

Kunio Noji stated that his company stood ready to consider all proposals from Turkmenistan which was viewed as a reliable and responsible partner. Thanking Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for the fruitful dialogue established between partners, the guest informed of the Komatsu’s intention to conduct three-month training and open a department at the Dashoguz Agricultural Institute in the future.

Welcoming the Japanese partners’ intention to give new impetus to traditional cooperation, the Turkmen leader underscored Turkmenistan’s readiness for mutually advantageous cooperation, especially in the fields where the interests of modern development created the need for foreign investment and advanced technologies.

In conclusion the CEO of Komatsu, who was on the first visit to Turkmenistan, expressed sincere admiration with the beautiful Turkmen capital, which had become an integral symbol of the prosperity of the Turkmen state.

Charge d’Affaires of Japan in Turkmenistan Koji Hino attended the meeting.