OREANDA-NEWS. April 26, 2010. The first-aid units operated by Sorochinskneft (part of Orenburgneft, a subsidiary of TNK-BP) at the Sorochinsko-Nikolskoe, Rodnikovskoe, Zagorskoe and Kodyakovskoe fields, and in the Sorochinsk administration office have received licences to provide medical services, reported the press-centre of TNK-BP.     

According Sorochinskneft’s senior health officer Inzilya Aysina, every five years all the medical staff working in the first-aid units have to prove that they are suitably qualified and have the appropriate facilities and equipment. “Medical staff serving the Sorochinsk oilmen have received an official permit to operate with no conditions attached”, said Aysina.

It should be noted that the Sorochinskneft first-aid units serve the residents of nearby villages as well as the oil workers. In the 1st quarter of 2010 alone medical staff attended 17 callouts from villagers.