OREANDA-NEWS. April 26, 2010. A new branch opened in 57, Nizami Street, Bilasuvar town served a vivid evidence of this. With the opening of the new branch, the branch network of Muganbank OJSC now includes 28 branches 8 of which are situated in regions, reported the press-centre of Muganbank.

Elmir Hasanov, the Chairman of the Board, Rasim Ismayilov, the Deputy Chairman of the Board and Shaig Alakbarov, the Member of the Supervisory Board attended the opening ceremony. Mr. Alakbarov emphasized that the opening of the branch is one of the steps taken towards the expansion of the regional branch network: “Day by day the number of MuganBank clients increases more and more and we are striving for serving them better by opening new branches in locations which are convenient to the customers”.

The new branch provides all types of banking services, such as current or deposit accounts, money remittance as well as Visa and MasterCard plastic cards. 

Thus, Muganbank OJSC doing its best for the ease and comfort of the population intends to further continue opening branches in the regions of the country.

Muganbank OJSC was established in 1992 on the basis of the license of the National Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The main targets of the bank from its establishment were active participation in the development of the economy of the country, provision of all types of banking services to the broad circle of population as well as yearning to be one of the advanced financial institutions in the bank system. During 18 years since its establishment the bank has been holding on stable development, has become strong in the Azerbaijani bank system with its products and services increased both quantitatively and qualitatively.