OREANDA-NEWS. April 30, 2010. As the sales manager of the project Grigory Kizhner has noted during the press-round, " the company marks transition of 90 % line in construction of the complex, advancing the schedule more than for a month and not changing the initial quality standards".

It has emphasized that now when a building finds a final silhouette, it is possible to speak about scales and advantages of the complex, on the basis of objective visual data. Experts of the company state that one of the most important advantages of the given dwelling complex is raised seismic power. " The house is constructed on the basis of a ferro-concrete monolithic skeleton, thick external and internal walls, powerful base plate have huge safety factor - the main architect of the project George Telpiz marks.

"We do not offer square meters as it is done by others, - Grigory Kizhner has told, - we sell a way of life in which the active modern person always suffers deficiency of time. Therefore, having taken a part of household cares, we, thus, give our inhabitants an opportunity to be engaged in affairs more important and interesting for them. As a whole the complex is conceived as the house with a full set of services which are more attributed to hotel, rather than to an apartment house".

As it was reported earlier, Coliseum Palace - the project of the fund NCH with total cost of USD50 million, is the first dwelling complex in Moldova of premium class. The planned termination date of construction - October 10, 2010.