OREANDA-NEWS. May 05, 2010. Public Company ORLEN Lietuva is marking its 30th anniversary. This was the day in 1980 when the first products were shipped from the Refinery located in Mazeikiai district, reported the press-centre of ORLEN Lietuva.

The history of the only in the Baltic States Refinery started in 1964, when the idea of building a refinery in Lithuania was brought forward in Moscow. The construction was started in 1972, and the first product – fuel oil – was produced in 1980. During the first year of operation, the Refinery processed 2 million tons of crude oil.

 The Refinery sped up the growth of Mazeikiai town. From the very beginning, the industrial giant and the town were as if inseparable twins – the town was being built in line with the Refinery – people working here needed not only to work, but also lead purposeful lives and raise children. The Refinery builders constructed housings, schools, kindergartens, the culture center. The Refinery made influence on the entire district, gave stimuli to the development of business and culture in Mazeikiai. All through these decades, the town has been referred to as the town or the capital of oilmen. During its entire history, the refinery has sponsored culture, sports and social initiatives. Having grown together with the Refinery, Mazeikiai is now a nice place to live and work.

Ever since the start of its business activities, the Refinery has been one of the largest and most influential companies in the country. Today, the Company is the largest tax payer, an enterprise with the highest in Lithuania income and one of the largest exporters in the state. The Company produces premium quality products which are exported to the Baltic States, Western Europe, the USA, Ukraine and other countries. At the time being, the Refinery processes approximately 10 million tons of crude oil per year.
‘Many changes took place at the Mazeikiai Refinery during the thirty years. Hard and valuable work performed during the years, useful experience accumulated facilitated and continuous to facilitate one of the key objectives – to become one of the most modern and efficient oil processing enterprises', said Krystian Pater, General Director of AB ORLEN Lietuva.

During the period of three years, the shareholder of the Company, Polish Oil Concern PKN ORLEN, invested over 800 million US dollars in the modernization of the Mazeikiai Refinery. The Company continues the implementation of the Modernization Program which is aimed at improving performance efficiency, increasing product quality, ensuring occupational safety and preserving the environment to the future generations.

On the day of the jubilee, the Company employees have been provided with the special anniversary edition of the Company newspaper Fakelas – an album of photographs picturing the thirty years of operation. A one more accent of the occasion – an exhibition of historical photographs displayed at the Mazeikiai District Municipality Culture Center. In addition, a skate park – a place where young people will be able to practice their roller-skating, skateboarding and acrobatic cycling skills – will be opened in the town on this occasion. Employees will be invited to the celebration of the Refinery’s jubilee during the Company-organized tourist gathering in August.

See the web site www.orlenlietuva.lt for more historic facts on the Company and special electronic edition of the Fakelas.